Further diversifying both our outstanding Sport Horse Breeding Program & Sport Horse Sales' Horses, with great excitement we welcome an additional group of outstanding Imports, whose pedigrees showcase some of the finest Show Jumping Bloodlines; including: Contendro I - Contender, Viva Voltaire - Voltaire, Diamo Blue - Chacco Blue, Cabardino - Cor de la Bryere, Futurist - For Pleasure, Stakkato Grande - Stakkato Gold - Stakkato.

We are both thrilled to develop and to welcome this outstanding group of Sport Horses to the ever-growing Pedigo Farms Family.
Please stay tuned for up-coming updates, video's, and pictures!
Pictured here are two of our youngest coming two-year-old's, PF's Dee Jay Blue W (Diamo Blue - Chacco Blue - For Pleasure - Cor de la Bryere - Rio Grande) and PF's Chamberlain W (Cabardino - Cor de la Bryere - Rio Grande - Voltaire) - and our coming four year old PF's Carrington W (Cabardino - Cor de la Bryere - Rio Grande).