Our established Sport Horse Breeding Program announces the arrival of our latest imported group of new young Broodmares.

It is with great excitement would like to introduce you to these fine young Sport Horses who will stand in our broodmare band alongside our established broodmares - they bring great versatility as a new branch of our growing Sport Horse Breeding Program.
Furthering our great accomplishment's in creating top sport horses who are destine for Hunter Derby Competition, our imported broodmares quite overachieve thru such Elite Show Jumping Pedigrees, to boast in showcasing their rich heritage we name a few: Rio Grande - Raphael II, Diamont, Futurist - For Pleasure, Diamo Blue - Chacco Blue, Lavall I, Viva Voltaire - Voltaire, Esprit d' Amour - Espri, Cabardino - Cor de la Bryere.
We welcome these outstanding young mares to the ever-growing Ryan Pedigo Farms Sport Horse Family. Stay tuned for updates as seven of our imported mares will be delivering outstanding sport horse foals in 2021.