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Introducing PF's Chardo to Our Stallion Line-up

Updated: Jan 20

Fully Licensed & Approved Holsteiner Stallion with the Hanoverian Verband, WFFS - N/N.

PF's Chardo Stallion
PF's Chardo

PF's Chardo is a 2017 Imported Dark Bay Holsteiner Stallion. Fully Licensed with the Hanoverian Verband, WFFS - N/N. Chardo completed his 50-Days Test in November of 2021 in Germany and was imported by Ryan Pedigo Sport Horses on January 11th, 2022. At his Stallion Test and Licensing, Chardo impressed the judges and spectators with his impressive good looks, correctness, presentation, athleticism, scope, technique, style, and willingness in performance. Chardo represented his phenomenal lineage precisely, receiving outstanding marks during his performance at his 50-Days Test. His scores were as follows: 8.5 for Rideability, 9.0 for Scope, 8.5 for Style & Technique, 8.5 for Character & Temperament, 8.5 for General Impression, 9.0 for Rideability By Judges and 9.0 for Willingness to Perform.

This young stallion's impressive pedigree is quite remarkable, which secures his great importance as a top stallion for both the Sport Horse and Show Jumping Breeding World. Chardo's famous Sport Horse relatives, who outline his rich lineage, include: Nerrado, Corrado, Cor de la Bryere, Lady Killer xx, Contender, Calypso, Capitol I, Casall, Caletto I, Caletto II and Landgraf I, to name a few.

Chardo's sire, the impressive Holsteiner Stallion Charleston, is the son of sport horse legend Cascadello I x Casall / Capitol I x Cantus / Caletto I / Lady Killer xx. Charleston was the 2015 Champion Stallion of the Holstein Licensing in Germany, with both his flawless physical stature and performance presentation. Charleston was greatly complimented as he showcases such talents to be recognized as one of Cascadello I's top sons to date. During the licensing test, Charleston dominated the attention of all who watched him with his phenomenal jumping potential, scope, style, technique and power. He finished his Stallion Performance Test with top marks.

PF's Chardo

Chardo's grandsire, Cascadello I, won his 70-days performance test in Marbach in 2012 with 9.38 points in show jumping. Cascadello I, who truly needs no introduction, has a strong living legacy through his ten Licensed sons, highly decorated daughters, offspring in sport and foals. Cascadello I's daughters dominated "The Elmshorn Elite Mare Show in 2017." Cascadello I sired all three top scoring mares, Champion Mare, Reserve Champion Mare and the mare with the "strongest movements." Furthermore, Cascadello I enthralled the judges and the crowds with his outstanding performance during his stallion licensing. His phenomenal jump, scope, style, technique and overall impression could not be matched. Following the Stallion Licensing in 2012, Cascadello I sold for an impressive price of 600,000 Euros, capturing the title "Champion Premium Class Stallion." Cascadello I's sire Casall is the talk of the sport horse breeding world for his great success with rider Rolf-Goran Bengtsson and their win at the 'Global Championships Tour' Show Jumping Event in Hanburg and Monte Carlo, as well as their win at the 'World Cup Show Jumping Event' in Lyon and their second place finish at the 'World Cup Show Jumping Event' in Geneva.

We are elated to welcome this outstanding young stallion to our breeding program and for the privilege to offer such fine Sport Horse Bloodlines to sport horse and performance horse breeders in the US and Canada.

For more information please contact Ryan Pedigo at:


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