Starr-Burst PF
BORN: 2016
Starr-Burst PF by Sam Steele PF - World Cup IV - Matcho x

4 year old - 17.0 H - Hanoverian Gelding
Starr-Burst is a big powerful Hanoverian gelding who truly draws much attention to his abundance of great qualities. With all the quality of an open professionals' horse; he equally makes a suitable amateur horse. Going very well under saddle; jumping baby green courses, with a big stride, flying lead changes, very finished on the flat, free jumps up to 3'6 with a lot more potential. This special gelding is truly the serious equestrians dream horse. From the baby green hunters, thru the professional and amateur divisions - to hunter derbies. This super athlete is destined to brightly shine in the years ahead.
Savannah Rose PF
BORN: 2017
Savannah Rose PF by Sam Steele PF - World Cup IV - Matcho x

3 year old - 16.1 H - Hanoverian Mare
Savannah's feminine looks and charm of a true beauty - could not be more accurate. This outstanding sport horse exhibits it all - correctness, outstanding elegant movement, powerful light careful jumping talents, and a super mind as she is a pleaser. Certainly, fit for multiple discipline's this young mare is bound to shine very brightly in all avenues of her very successful path as a top performing horse. Suitable for a serious amateur rider, in a good professional program.
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